Sunday, June 2, 2013

Victor Heynckes 'is a great friend'

Jupp Heynckes' last meters were pure goosebumps. These 60, 70 meters from the centerline of the fan curve, where the team already hopped and danced. Only the head coach surrounded an aura of calm, as he hesitantly at first alone and in thought, then strolled solid step towards the red and white jubilation. "Jupp! Jupp! Jupp, "sounded from the stands when the fans saw their coach get closer. The player fell on his knees and let her live it up briefly Jupp. Now the 68-year-old also had his joy run wild, as you would in this season - had never seen - and perhaps in Heynckes' entire career. In the final meters Heynckes could just enjoy.

"It absorbs the atmosphere. I have to say: That was fantastic, an absolute highlight, "the Bayern coach said later about his last game for Bayern, which was crowned with his first DFB-Pokal win as a trainer and the historic treble. Minutes he was celebrated by the fans as he presented the trophy in the curve. Shortly before the players had ensured that Heynckes was showered for the second time this season with strong wheat beer.

"I am glad that I will not happen again. Because the stuff smells terrible, "the coach reported success in high spirits in the TV interview. Freshly showered and in a tracksuit he later led the Polonaise in which the team boarded the banquet. In his speech, Karl-Heinz Rummenigge had to smile when he said: "He has now made ​​the only mistake of the season: He has only had one suit it


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